My parents used to work in a big factory. So I grew up in the environment where there were big warehouses, the sound of big machinery, and the smell of screws and oil. Visiting the Steelworks Park feels like going back to my little girl era —- I worn two little pony tails and held mom’s hand across the factory to find that public shower. Visiting here is thus almost an emotional experience.
Hangzhou Steelworks Park is built from an old steel factory. In the early years, the factories were all moved out of city, but the warehouses, the train tracks and the big machinery stayed. Nowadays, the park hosts summer concerts, and the warehouses are changing into galleries and art studios.
I went with a group of old friends. We arrived after a big heavy rain, and the garage is almost empty. We talked and laughed loud like old days, and an empty creepy looking garage is a perfect place for it.

From any point of the park, there are scenic views.

My photograph friends especially like the paddles after the rain. They were playing the reflections.

The park is in the middle of remodeling. So we sneaked into the furnace area. They climbed up while I stayed with my son. The machinery, rustic, industrial style is always my taste, and even my current workshop has tables, lockers and shelves that were recycled from the factory.

Steel factory has train tracks. The train is newly painted and we were climbing around for fun and posing for pictures here.

The trees, the grasses, the flowers and the mountains bring the fresh greeness in front of your eyes and the fragrance to your nose. It makes a unique effect where the vivid life is grown mixed with those hard, cold, silent machines.

Following the warm light, we found a coffeeshop in the warehouse and there is even a bookstore.

Writing travel log is almost like traveling a second time. I am feeling the hot humid air that day, and the warmness of the conversations among us.